Workshop DVDs

Khiron House workshops are recorded by Whole Being Films who make high-quality DVDs of these exceptional speakers’ events. You can read reviews of the events below and find purchasing information.

Dr Janina Fisher

Mistakes of the Heart, the Healing Power of Therapeutic Repair

£75.00 – DVD set (universal format) or Mp4 Memory Stick, plus postage.

Duration 9 hrs

For more details and to buy visit our website.

This recording from Dr Janina Fisher examines the underlying issues that most often contribute to therapist error and explores how what drives us to do this work can also contribute to “mistakes of the heart.” Like parenting, psychotherapy can be only “good enough.” Therapeutic mistakes are inevitable, yet our work lives don’t allow us opportunities to acknowledge and grow from them. Our mistakes occur in the privacy of an office with no one but the client with whom we could process them fully. We may pause to critique ourselves but rarely have the chance to ask: what in me drove that error? Why do I find myself this same mistake again and again? Why do I empathically fail this client more often than others?

1. The ‘good enough’ therapist: common mistakes we make
2. Mistakes of the Heart
3. Empathic Failures
4. Attachment Style and the Therapeutic Relationship
5. When Trauma Responses Co-Exist with Attachment Drives
6. Therapist Vulnerabilites and Counter-Transference Errors
7. Lessons from Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: When Words are Not Enough
8. Repairing Therapeutic Ruptures

Whether the mistakes we make are clinically mis-attuned or the result of our own internal conflicts, there is much to learn both about preventing future mistakes and repairing past or present errors. Therapists regularly confront the insidious impact of shame on their traumatized clients’ ability to find relief and perspective. Feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy interfere with taking in positive experiences, leaving only hopelessness. Increased ability for self-assertion gets undermined by belief systems about worth or deserving. Progress in the treatment, increasing relief from symptoms, even greater success in life tend to evoke shame and self-judgment rather than pride.

This recording really touches on some key questions for anyone working in the healing field: how do I grow in my practice and stay alive to the people who come to see me? Dr Fisher is a great teacher and is open about her own ‘Mistakes of the Heart’. This is where something leads the therapist to what might be classed as an error, but which seen in the context of support could lead to a breakthrough for the client. In this way we are seeing the almost inevitable ‘error’ as part of an unfolding mystery that lies at the heart of true healing. This is an antidote to the fearful idea’s around ‘regulating’ the psychological therapies because it focusses on the truly dynamic dance that’s afoot in the healing relationship.

For more details and to buy visit our website.

Memory sticks can be played on computers and on current generation TV’s

The set of three

These practical, insightful and inspiring presentations from leading educators in trauma psychology; Dr Janina Fisher, Dr Daniel Siegel and Dr Bessel van der Kolk are now available individually or as a set. On DVD (universal format) or memory stick.


Take advantage of this superb Healing Trauma Psychology series, with over 32 hours of cutting-edge educational and skills development.

£190.00 (plus postage) for the set of three: (a saving of £45.00 on the presentations sold individually, see below)

For more details and to buy visit our website.

Individual Presentations

Dr Bessel van der Kolk

bTrauma, Memory and the Restoration of One’s Self

£75.00 – DVD set (universal format) or Mp4 Memory Stick, plus postage.

For more details and to buy visit our website.

Duration: 10.5 Hours

Bessel van der Kolk is that rare gift, a leading scientist who is also a masterful therapist. This is an engaging and remarkable presentation for therapists, healers and professionals involved in working with trauma from the pioneering author of The Body Keeps the Score.

BESSEL VAN DER KOLK, MD, is a clinical psychiatrist who has studied the impact and resolution of trauma on the minds and brains of children and adults since 1982. He is professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine and medical director of the Trauma Center in Boston.

Memory sticks can be played on computers and on current generation TV’s.  Some video’s from this presentation are not included for copyright reasons. However, the substance of the content is intact.

For more details and to buy visit our website.

Dr Daniel Siegel

dTrauma Healing, Theory and Practice: An Interpersonal Neurobiological Approach Transforming Developmental Trauma into Integration and Resiliency.

£75.00 – DVD set (universal format) or Mp4 Memory Stick, plus postage.

For more details and to buy visit our website.

Duration 11hrs.

Eminent psychiatrist Dr Dan Siegel is a brilliant speaker and teacher, who through sincerity and authenticity, animatedly educates us on his ground-breaking discoveries regarding where mind, brain and relationships meet.

This life-changing recording explains how unresolved developmental trauma can impact not only our relationship with ourselves, but our relationship with those we love the most. He helps us begin the profound journey moving toward healing, wholeness and relational intimacy.

The second half is led by Khiron House’s clinical team, showing how they work with clients in the Khiron House Trauma Clinic. This is a strong, practical complement to Dr Siegel’s talks and brings out important applied trauma theory.

For more details and to buy visit our website.

Memory sticks can be played on computers and on current generation TV’s

Dr Janina Fisher

jTraumatic Attachment and Co-Regulation: the Neurobiology of Relationship

£85.00 – DVD set (universal format) or Mp4 Memory Stick, plus postage.

Duration 10.5 hrs

For more details and to buy visit our website.

A practical, informative and inspiring recording for therapists and those curious about healing attachment in relationships from leading teacher Dr Janina Fisher.

In Traumatic Attachment and Co-Regulation: the Neurobiology of Relationship, Dr Fisher helps us to understand how traumatic attachment in childhood affects not only how we feel in relationships but also the ability of the nervous system to tolerate proximity to others.

1) Early Attachment: an Experience Without Words.
2) Couples’ Dysregulation and Disorganized attachment.
3) Resolution of Trauma and the Neurobiology of Mindfulness.
4) Evolutionary – Determined Internal Struggles.
5) Co-Regulation.
6) The Natural Cycle of Attachment.
(Duration: 11 hrs approx)

Janina Fisher, PhD is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Instructor at the Trauma Center, an outpatient clinic and research centre founded by Bessel van der Kolk. Known for her expertise as both a therapist and consultant, she is also past president of the New England Society for the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation, an EMDR International Association Credit Provider, a faculty member of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, and a former Instructor, Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Fisher has been an invited speaker at the Cape Cod Institute, Harvard Medical School Conference Series, the EMDR International Association Annual Conference, University of Wisconsin, University of Westminster in London, the Psychotraumatology Institute of Europe, and the Esalen Institute. Dr. Fisher lectures and teaches nationally and internationally on topics related to the integration of research and treatment and how to introduce these newer trauma treatment paradigms in traditional therapeutic approaches.NB: Memory Stick option includes a PDF of slides in sequence.

For more details and to buy visit our website.

Memory sticks can be played on computers and on current generation TV’s