Should I Have a Role Model for My Recovery?

Recovery is a lifelong process, and sometimes the journey is ever-twisting, with no predictable road in sight. For many people, role models are considered an excellent way to strive towards their goals in recovery – by following someone who has gone through similar experiences and has been successful in recovery, you too can look at the steps they’ve taken to get to where they’re currently at. Many celebrities are coming forth with their mental illness and/or addictions, making it easier than ever to find someone who inspires you. For example: Russell Brand now serves as a voice for those in recovery, as he is going on 15 years of sobriety.

There are typically two types of people whom you may look up to in recovery: general role models and mentors. A general role model may be someone who inspires you and who you may want to follow after in your recovery, but they’re not close enough to you to provide immediate guidance (ex., Russell Brand). A mentor is someone whom you know that you reach out to for advice, guidance, and support throughout your recovery. Some treatment centers have a system in place for connecting current clients with alumni of the program, which can serve as mentors throughout your time there and sometimes even after. With this type of program, you’ll likely be able to discuss with them the following:

  • Their history with mental illness and substance abuse
  • How they sought help and if there was a particular life event that warranted this
  • Difficult moments and champion moments in recovery
  • Advice
  • Support and encouragement

A 2015 study published in the journal Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy assessed 21 participants for substance misuse and explored their social networks and quality of life, recovery ability, and social identify. Researchers from the study found overall that participants who connected with non-substance users found greater importance in their recovery, thus leading them to enhanced quality of life. Mentors can become part of your social network by helping you reach your recovery goals and helping you work through challenging emotions and situations that could hinder your recovery.

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