Relief From Depression

Understanding Trauma’s Role and Our Treatment Approach
Learn more about depression, its relationship with trauma, and Khiron Clinics’ novel approach to treating it. If you are struggling with persistent sadness, hopelessness, or a lack of interest in daily activities, you may be suffering from depression. We are here to help.

At Khiron clinics, we see mental health issues as manifestations of unresolved trauma that leads to a dysregulated nervous system.

Could You Be Experiencing Depression?

A person with long dark hair appears multiple times due to the distortion of a ribbed glass barrier. They are wearing a light blue sweater and have their arms crossed. The overall effect creates an abstract, surreal image, reminiscent of the fragmented perceptions treated at Khiron Clinics for PTSD.

Anyone can experience periods of depression in their lives. Many of us are familiar with fluctuations in our mood, including moments of sadness, distress, and generally feeling down.

When feelings like these persist and become overwhelming, it can become more difficult to carry on with daily life. Everyday responsibilities become harder to manage, and a low mood may become the norm.

When this happens, it may indicate that you are suffering from depression.

A person with long dark hair appears multiple times due to the distortion of a ribbed glass barrier. They are wearing a light blue sweater and have their arms crossed. The overall effect creates an abstract, surreal image, reminiscent of the fragmented perceptions treated at Khiron Clinics for PTSD.

What Are the Signs of Depression?

Depression can manifest in a variety of ways, and the subjective experience depends on the individual. Therefore, many different symptoms align with depression.

The main symptoms include:

  • Intense feelings of sadness
  • Lack of motivation
  • Despair
  • Hopelessness
  • Irrational anger or irritability
  • Frequent crying
  • Emptiness
  • Emotional numbness
  • Anxiety
  • Low confidence
  • Problems with memory and concentration
  • Feelings of isolation and disconnection

Depression can manifest as physical symptoms too, such as:

  • Changes in appetite
  • Changes in sex drive
  • Aches and pains
  • Sleep issues
  • Low energy
  • Stomach issues

What Causes Depression?

Depression is very complex and is usually caused by a combination of factors.

At Khiron Clinics, we treat mental health issues as manifestations of unresolved trauma that lead to a dysregulated nervous system.

70% of adults have experienced some form of trauma, including abuse, domestic violence, relationship breakdown, crime, and neglect.

Trauma can be either a single event or a series of events over time, and it is how we react to these events that causes issues later in life.

We often store trauma unconsciously, leaving it unprocessed and therefore unhealed. Whilst we may not be able to consciously access these memories, the experience of trauma remains with us.

Bio Picture of Dr Gabor Maté

“Trauma is not what happens to you, but what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you.”
Dr Gabor Maté

The Dysregulated Nervous System

Even when the traumatic situation is over, your body keeps re-experiencing trauma as if it is still happening. This causes our nervous system to become dysregulated, as it constantly responds to perceived threats. Whilst we rationally know that we are safe, our nervous system does not.

The nervous system is made up of several parts. There is the central nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, which includes the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS has two branches:

  • Parasympathetic Nervous System: Known as the rest-and-digest system, it promotes calmness and relaxation.
  • Sympathetic Nervous System: Responsible for the fight-or-flight response, it prepares the body to handle threats by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and adrenaline production, while suppressing non-essential functions like digestion and immunity.

Meanwhile, things like digestion, immunity, and even our ability to connect with others take a back seat. Whilst this keeps us safe in times of danger, our bodies shouldn’t stay in this heightened state for too long. When trauma is stored in the body without being processed, our nervous system remains stressed and struggles to calm down.

Over time this can lead to complex mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

To understand more about the nervous system’s role in trauma, explore our founder Benjamin Fry’s book, The Invisible Lionhere.

Even when the traumatic situation is over, your body keeps re-experiencing trauma as if it is still happening. This causes our nervous system to become dysregulated, as it constantly responds to perceived threat.

Treatment for Depression and Trauma at Khiron Clinics

Khiron Clinics delivers cutting-edge, nervous system-based treatment to help individuals who are experiencing mental health crises. Our team is made up of expert psychologists and therapists who have extensive experience in treating depression. They can work with you to understand your symptoms and help find the issues at the root of your experience, which are usually linked to unresolved trauma. Through finding the source of the issue, we are better equipped to help you on your path to recovery. This allows our clients to finally address the emotional pain, destructive patterns, and trauma that other treatments and therapies have failed to target.

Our innovative treatments and therapies can reduce the effects of depression, and help you feel more in control of your life. By working through trauma, you can teach yourself healthier patterns of thinking by rewiring your brain and nervous system to become more balanced. This in turn can bring more stability and resilience to your life.

Our therapeutic setting supports trauma healing, allowing clients to transfer these skills into their daily lives. This holistic approach not only reduces the effects of depression but also helps clients feel more in control, fostering stability and resilience.

Our Therapeutic Approach

  • Bodily Awareness: Addressing trauma through understanding physiological responses and safety mechanisms like fight, flight, or freeze reactions.
  • Self-Awareness and Nervous System Regulation: Enhancing self-awareness and learning to regulate the nervous system.
  • Healing in Relationships: Recognising that trauma often stems from early relationships, we emphasise the importance of building feelings of safety with others, practising effective communication, recognising triggers, and developing coping mechanisms.

We can work with you to understand your symptoms and help find the issues at the root of your experience, which are usually linked to unresolved trauma. Through finding the source of the issue, we are better equipped to help you on your path to recovery.

Our Recovery Roadmap

Our Three-Phase Approach to Trauma Treatment
Khiron Clinics follows a three-phase approach to treating trauma: Stabilisation and Symptom Reduction, Trauma Processing and Integration.
icon for workings of the brain


This phase focuses on understanding and getting to know oneself, reducing symptoms, learning about trauma and how to self-regulate so you can stay in connection with others and the present moment.

icon for security and safety

Trauma Processing

This phase starts by fostering safety and security in the body and mind, allowing individuals to recognise triggers, manage emotions, and make mindful choices. With therapist guidance, they learn to release stuck trauma and emotions by discharging incomplete defensive responses, while also rebuilding compromised life skills such as setting boundaries and building new connections in safe relationships.

icon for personal growth


This phase is where we support clients to take their newfound regulation, self-awareness and knowledge out into the real world so that they can apply the skills that they have developed in treatment in their daily life.


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We Are Here to Help You Find the Path to Effective, Long Lasting Recovery.

An icon depicting a telephone receiver with a coiled cord, drawn in a minimalist style with blue lines. The receiver is positioned diagonally in an upwards orientation, reminiscent of the welcoming touchpoints often found at trauma clinics like Khiron Clinics.

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Get in touch with us and share your story if you feel comfortable with someone who will listen. Our team are always here to help.

Illustration of a desk calendar with spiral binding at the top. The calendar shows a grid of days with three rows, each row containing seven days. The design is simplistic and outlined in teal, evoking a sense of order and calm often emphasized in mental health treatment settings.

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