How Can Self Care Help With Trauma Symptoms?

Trauma is a result of extreme stress being taken on the mind and the body as a dysfunction of the “fight or flight” survival response which occurs in the sympathetic nervous system. When we live with trauma, we are living in a state of stress because our stress systems, our stress responses, are in a constant state of excitement. Triggers for our trauma are really stressors which trigger our impaired stress response system impacted by trauma. Our triggers cause us stress, which causes stress responses, and then stresses our already stressed stress responses. Consequently, we act in our trauma symptoms and manifestations, all of which are maladaptive attempts to cope with stress.

Self-care is largely about stress management. Practicing self-care is vital for people who are living with the reality of trauma and choosing to live in recovery from trauma. Without self-care, we make ourselves vulnerable to the millions upon millions of stressors which have the potential to impact us on a daily basis. Not only does self-care help mitigate the effects of stress once we encounter it, self-care helps us build a solid foundation from which we can securely and confidently operate. The more self-care we practice, we stronger we become in being able to handle all of life’s stressors and challenges. Self-care helps us to live our lives in recovery proactively instead of reactively or responsively.

Which Self-Care Practices Are Best For Trauma Recovery?

Since trauma is experienced differently by different people and their symptoms of trauma will each be different, self-care is truly a self-designed program. Through trauma treatment, you have a chance to discover what “works” for you and what does not. For example, some people find solace in running multiple miles a day while others would prefer to do yoga in their living room. Self-care is a program of activities and behaviors which help eliminate stress, deactivate your sympathetic nervous system, and make you feel cared for in the most loving way possible. Self-care is not an escape from stress or a way to avoid dealing with stress. What you choose for self-care should have a positive impact on your ability to be present in life.

In our next QA we’ll look at the best practices for self-care proven by research and science.

Find the solution you’re looking for in trauma treatment. Through effective residential treatment, Khiron House helps you find the path you need toward health and wellness in recovery. For information, call us today. UK: 020 3811 2575 (24 hours). USA: (866) 801 6184 (24 hours).

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