People often confuse anxiety and panic. Understandably, panic and anxiety are easy to confuse. Panic disorder falls under the general category of anxiety disorders. Panic attacks can be a symptom of anxiety or occur as a standalone event of anxiety. There is, however, a distinct difference between anxiety and panic. Though both an anxiety and a panic attack are built on fear spinning out of control, only a panic attack will lead you to feel like you are dying. An anxiety attack is more likely to convince you you are going to die or that your death is imminent in a very realistic way. What often kickstarts and inspires the climax of a panic attack is suddenly feeling the onset of reality of death. Instead of being convinced death is coming in some way, a panic attack believes that death is already occurring. In laymen’s terms, a panic attack happens when the brain believes it is dying. Many experience suddenly being convinced they are just dying, having a heart attack, losing their minds, or in some other way losing complete and total control over their lives. A tailspin of about 20 minutes on average takes place during which time someone can lose their breath, feel dizzy, not be able to speak, and continue to feel like they are dying. Once the panic attack fades, reality comes into sharper focus once more. Many people experience psychosomatic symptoms like diarrhea or even vomiting. Most people then spend the following days or weeks in a state of panic-induced trauma, terrified of having to relive the experience of their panic attack once more.
Inarguably, panic attacks are simply awful. Though panic attacks are awful, they can be survived. First, it is important to know the symptoms of a panic attack and understand the difference between an anxiety and a panic attack. Second, it is important to know if you are prone to panic attacks. If you experience panic attacks once a month or more, you are going to run into the situation more often than others. Prepare yourself ahead of time by creating cues that can help you cut the panic short. Carry a book, cards, or small triggers that remind you  you’re having a panic attack and help you stay connected to reality. Finally, let someone else know that you are having a panic attack. Tell them what you need to feel safe and secure through the entire course of a panic attack taking place. When you are feeling like you cannot support yourself through a panic attack, you can turn to someone you trust, who knows what you need, and can help you get through it.
Learning to be is part of the process of trauma recovery. Stop the cycle of merry-go-round treatment and find the solution you’re looking for in trauma treatment. Through effective residential treatment, Khiron House helps you find the path you need toward health and wellness in recovery. For information, call us today. UK: 020 3811 2575 (24 hours). USA: (866) 801 6184 (24 hours).