The Amazing Benefits of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Have you tried several different types of medication for depression, just to find that your body and mind has resisted them all? If you’ve been hoping for some kind of hope with what your doctor has prescribed you with, this can be incredibly disappointing. Sometimes our mind and body reject medication, even if we want so desperately for something to help fill that gap. Depression often leaves us with a pang of intense hopelessness, sadness, and guilt, and medication has the ability to take that “edge” off for many people. If you’re feeling a little disheartened by medication that hasn’t worked for you, know that that doesn’t mean your option-less; holistic practice can be an excellent option for you, especially if you’d prefer something that can directly work with your mind and body, without it being invasive.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) may sound scary and unknown, but it’s a straightforward process that involves stimulating your brain through use of magnetics – ultimately promoting an electric flow in the regions of your brain that house your depression. The National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH) emphasizes that brain stimulation therapies, such as TMS, can be an effective tool for those whose mind and body is stubborn to medication for depression.

A 2014 study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology sought to explore the very effect of TMS on patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) by reviewing other scholarly studies that had been published from 1980 to 2013. After analyzing 18 quality studies, researchers found that TMS produced greater symptom reduction than “sham” comparative groups. Patients who received TMS in previous studies were also more than 5 times as likely to achieve remission, making this an incredibly effective treatment option if it’s needed. There are many benefits to TMS, including:

  • It’s not associated with side effects that are often found with medications, such as sexual difficulties, weight gain, sleeping issues, and more
  • It does not require anesthesia, as it is non-invasive
  • It can often be done as an outpatient treatment option, leaving you plenty of flexibility to go about your daily routines
  • Research has shown that it has been effective in treating patients who have not responded well to medications in the past

If you’re looking for a holistic practice that can help you begin your amazing journey towards healing, speak with someone today about TMS.

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