Why Do Unexpected Memories Pop Up In Trauma Recovery?

Living with unresolved trauma can sometimes feel like we are being punished by our own mind. We get triggered and uncomfortable. We have physical sensations overtake our being which feel out of our control. We have thoughts we don’t enjoy. We might develop eating disorders, mental disorders, psychiatric disorders, and more. Our mind under the pressure of trauma seems to act on its own accord until we can resolve our pain and be at peace in our lives.

One of the many ways the trauma mind can act in a seemingly strange way is when unexpected memories come up. An unexpected memory can look like a lifetime, a short story, or just a snapshot. We might see a montage, or a movie, or a fast series of flashbacks like our mind is being flooded with memories we have either never known or forgot we knew a long time ago. Sometimes, these memories that come up are deeply healing and help us connect with a part of us we’ve been longing to feel synthesized with. Other times, the memories are difficult, concerning, uncomfortable, scary, and otherwise triggering. Whether an unexpected memory is happy or sad, makes us feel more whole or more compartmentalized, we can know one thing: the memory is coming up for a reason.

A negative, scary memory which triggers our symptoms of trauma and PTSD might not feel like it has any good reason to show up. When trauma happens in our lives, our brains can shut down and separate information into compartments. Our brains know we aren’t ready to handle all of the information from our trauma quite yet. Unexpected memories can be interpreted as our brain telling us that we are ready to handle what is there and that the information cannot be suppressed any longer.

If you are experiencing unexpected memories, your brain might be letting you know it is time to investigate the past, confront the present, and heal for a brighter future. If you are having difficult memories or wonderful memories, it is critical to work with a team of trauma-trained certified professionals who can guide you with the utmost professionalism and compassion toward finding total healing in past, present, and future, from every area of your mind. Healing is possible and it’s telling you that you’re ready to heal.

Trauma is most often the root cause of many emotional, behavioral, and mood disorders. Until you can heal your trauma, you will find great difficulty finding the healing you need to live a life of recovery, health, and wellness. At Khiron House, we provide effective residential treatment and cutting edge therapies which seek to transform mind, body, and spirit from the effects of trauma. Call us today for information. UK: 020 3811 2575 (24 hours) USA: (866) 801 6184 (24 hours).

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