Why Unresolved Trauma Causes Problems

You are experiencing symptoms which seem out of the ordinary. Perhaps you have a cold, a stuffy nose, back pain, stomach pain, dizziness, or fluctuating moods which don’t seem normal. The symptoms themselves are mostly unimportant, though they will be helpful to the doctor. More importantly, you are experiencing something that isn’t right. These symptoms don’t feel right, they’re causing you grief, and they’re making your ability to live a quality life more difficult. Since they stand out so evidently, they necessitate attention, investigation, diagnosis, and treatment.

Like a good professional, your doctor seeks all possible answers as to what is causing these symptoms to arise and how to treat the effects of these symptoms. If a doctor stopped their, the job would only be half done. Treating symptoms is just one part of the equation. A symptom can be treated as long as it is recurring. When a symptom is continuously recurring, its clear the symptom is not the problem, but that a greater, underlying problem is causing the symptom and needs to be treated. Doctors will exhaust all options to discover what is causing these troubling, debilitating, potentially even life-threatening symptoms. In order to stop the symptoms, doctors have to find the source of the problem and treat it effectively.

More and more, the medical field is understanding the psychosomatic relationship between the mind and the body. Stress is a chronic inflammatory experience which is both psychological and physical. Physical stress can cause psychological stress. Psychological stress can cause physical stress. When stress of either kind goes unmanaged, unresolved, and untreated, it causes an exponential amount of problems. Trauma is often the hidden source of stress in mind and body. Though doctors search for an answer, until they come to unresolved trauma, their solution will not be found.

Unresolved trauma causes problems because stress is living in the mind and the body on a constant playback loop which necessitates the body and mind’s survival response. Until trauma is resolved, the brain and body continue to act out of survival, living on excited energy, exhausting resources, and turning to harmful patterns of behaviors to try and find relief.

Relief is possible from trauma the very second that trauma is acknowledged and begins to be resolved.

Learning to be is part of the process of trauma recovery. Stop the cycle of merry-go-round treatment and find the solution you’re looking for in trauma treatment. Through effective residential treatment, Khiron House helps you find the path you need toward health and wellness in recovery. For information, call us today. UK: 020 3811 2575 (24 hours). USA: (866) 801 6184 (24 hours).

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We help people find hope again by uncovering and treating the root causes of their mental health issues. Our cutting edge nervous-system based treatments are delivered in both outpatient and residential settings by clinicians who have been trained by the world’s leading trauma experts.

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