by Colleen DeRango, Executive Director
Taking care of those who take care of others

I have repeatedly seen the powerful healing that clinicians’ facilitate, and view it as the energy of the heart combined with the passion of the soul and intellect of the mind. We can teach intellect but ‘heart and soul’ is something special and somewhat undefinable, something to be experienced rather than explained.
With the demands made upon therapists working with clients in overwhelm as well as the introduction of more progressive and powerful methodologies, my goal is that this will not be at the expense of its staff who are typically soul-driven clinicians who do their greatest work because of their heart.
I have always loved the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi that begins with: “Lord, make me an instrument of Thy Peace” and I imagine, by living and working this way, ‘Thy Peace flows’. If, as a clinician, one feels this sense of expansive flow or peace, it serves beautifully as a ‘tuning fork’, allowing for the patient to experience the same. Freedom within, freedom without. Connection within, connection without.
It takes time and money to honour the instruments but, when well-nourished, they give from a place of abundance. And, when an organization has clinicians giving and supporting from a place of abundance to their clients, one has greater healing. Righting the wrongs of childhood or adult trauma/overwhelm, generating corrective emotional experiences, supporting nervous system regulation are all components of working authentically from the inside out.
As a progressive organization we include in our program attention to the hearts and souls of our staff, our clinicians. When hearts and souls are nourished, wisdom emerges.
Let us make more efforts to honour this wisdom to facilitate healing. Expansive, clear, aligned healing. Thy Peace flowing freely.
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